Published 2019
Ground Studio is proud to announce the launch of our new monograph Bernard Trainor / Ground Studio Landscapes.
Ground Studio’s newest book celebrates the wild and elemental landscapes of California, from the craggy coasts of Big Sur to the fertile hills of Sonoma wine country. Their award-winning work combines an awareness of regional context with materials, collaboration, and deep connection to the land. Beautifully photographed and documented with full-color plans, the projects in this survey of their recent work include a range of scale, from compact urban gardens to expansive rural sites. Ground Studio’s regional, sustainable approach inspires wonder and respect for nature as it aims to preserve and restore it.

Published 2013
We are pleased to share news that Princeton Architectural Press has published a monograph featuring our landscapes. Landprints showcases ten of the most ambitious and inspiring landscapes through gorgeous photography and a critical analysis of the firm and these individual projects by author Susan Heeger.
“If you’ve hiked the wilderness of California, following trails through the state’s Coast Range or climbing rocky bluffs above the beach, you’ve seen the enormity of its reach, the force of the heaving, twisting land, the fuzzy meadows and sharp ridges; you’ve heard the ocean’s crashing tides and the land’s sleepy, sun-drunk silence. In these places, the light can be hard and pitiless, and the heat crippling. But when the Pacific fog seeps inland from the ocean, the views become soft, and the cold is stunning. It’s not always a gentle world, but it’s exhilarating and elemental.
This elemental charge sparks the landscapes of Bernard Trainor, an Australian-born designer who has made it his life’s work to honor California’s spirit in gardens across the state. Neither a naturalist nor an architect, he uses the tools of both professions to create places that are at home on hilltops and craggy seasides, but hospitable to the people living there too. He’s an observer of the land, not only of what exists now but what has been and might have been—rolling grasslands shot with wildflowers in the spring; or sprawling acres around tile-roofed ranchos, where cattle once grazed.”

Gardens Illustrated Interview
Beth Chatto, the late, pioneering plantswoman who convinced us to find the right plant for the right place, would have been 100 this year. Here, those who were influenced by her reflect on her lasting legacy. Among gardeners, there was, and is, only one Beth. Over her long life, Beth Chatto achieved the highest accolades in horticulture and beyond, including ten successive Chelsea Gold medals and an OBE. She wrote a string of best-selling books based on her experience of growing at her famous garden, and opened the first nursery to offer plants for specific conditions. This year marks the […]
Read MoreAbitare Firm Profile
Dove le foreste di querce e sequoie si affacciano sulla scogliera rocciosa del Pacifico, i paesaggisti di Ground Studio disegnano sofisticati eden vegetali. In bilico tra il genius loci e le esigenze di un ecosistema in crisi Sfumare la distinzione tra architettura e paesaggio. Alternare linee nette e superfici morbide, inquadrature di prossimità e di orizzonte. Bilanciare il carattere del luogo e lo stile di vita delle persone che vi abitano. È questa l’ottica con cui Ground Studio Landscape Architecture (con sede a Monterey) opera in particolare nella magnifica area naturalistica del Big Sur e nell’entroterra californiano. Un approccio ecosistemico […]
Read MoreVillegiardini Feature
Un giardino virtuoso Un mix di graminacee, erbacee e arbusti autoctoni o provenienti dal Mediterraneo, dal Sud Africa e dalla Nuova Zelanda e di succulente caratterizza un giardino progettato da Bernard Trainor a Big Sur per contrastare la siccità Un approccio progettuale che tiene conto del clima e del suo cambiamento e delle logiche del luogo si è fatto strada de tempo negli studi di progettazione del paesaggio e del giardino del mondo. In California, come in altre regioni dove il clima arido (e inaridente) e i cicli di siccità sono una realtà, i paesaggisti stanno reinventando il modo di […]
Read MoreVillegiardini Feature
Dove volano le farfalle Bernard Trainor è l’autore di un grande giardino in sintonia con l’architettura moderna di Feldman Architecture e lo spirito del paesaggio naturale dell’entroterra californiano Apochi chilometri nell’entroterra di Carmel-by-the- Sea, in California, Santa Lucia Preserve è un complesso privato di poco più di 8.000 ettari di natura incontaminata all’interno di una riserva. Un paesaggio quanto mai vario, attraversato da colline, torrenti, vallate e pianure con una vegetazione autoctona ricca e variegate e una fauna selvatica, che la comunità si impegna a preservare e valorizzare: solo il 10 per cento della Preserve è edificabile, il resto è […]
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